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If you are looking for teams to fill your Varsity or JV schedule click the GAMES WANTED link to the left to have your information posted. Please provide the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Team
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Varsity or JV
  • Date (including Year) and Time
Name Team Email Phone Varsity/JV Date/Time

KJN Memorial Tournament - Thanksgiving

Due to a recent cancellation, we have 1 spot left for our annual KJN Memorial Tournament over Thanksgiving Weekend November 25-27 in Sheboygan. Guarantee of 3 games. Varsity and JV team needed. Please contact us with any questions. or

35th Annual So St. Paul Tourney - 2022-23 Season

Pete Schultz wrote:
We had a late cancellation for our Holiday Tournament.  Three games at Woog Arena December 29-31.  Would be joining So St Paul, Hastings, Jefferson, Hopkins, Farmington, Highland Park and  Woodbury.  Call or text  Pete Schultz at 651 206 1241.  Thank you!